
What happens if Biden is reelected?


I read letters to the editor and national editorials and cannot understand why Democrats think Joe Biden is doing a great job and Donald Trump is the devil. Yes, Trump is a narcissist and puts his foot in his mouth often, but I would rather have a narcissist who created the best economy on record. Household net worth rose 16% under Trump, zero under Biden. Everything costs more today, for everybody, which means disaster for the poor.

The Democrat Party has been hijacked by the left under a weak president. He has become an embarrassment on the world stage. Wandering away at the G7 summit, the Italian President had to bring him back to the line-up. He now freezes up at every public event and has to be led away. The world watches closely what the leader of the free world does, that’s why there were zero wars under Trump. The world is on fire under Biden. He turns his back on Israel and Hezbollah attacks. He says nothing. Antisemitism is the highest level ever in this country, and he says nothing. Russian warships are in Cuba, he says nothing. China routinely threatens Taiwan, he says nothing

Biden decides after 3.5 years to fix the border with an executive order, after saying he could not do that. The order is gaslighting. It actually encourages more illegal immigrants, and they have increased exponentially. It grants immunity and work permits as they enter. Along with the phone, cash, a place to live and free health care. According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and statistics, 19 million have come into the country through points of entry since 2020, and 8 million known getaways. Nobody knows how many were not counted. That is at least 30 million illegal aliens. Biden says what you can see happening is not happening. FBI director says the terrorist threat is imminent because of the border. Recently, eight ISIS terrorists from Tajikistan walked right into the country, split up and headed to large cities. FBI and ICE intercepted phone communications talking about bombs and arrested them.

Biden’s plan to cancel student debt that the Supreme Court and Nancy Pelosi said he does not have the authority to do will cost the taxpayers 1.4 trillion dollars, which is more than the country has spent on education in history. The socialists running this country print and spend money like it is monopoly money under Biden. Margaret Thatcher said “the trouble with socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money to spend” If Biden is re-elected Social Security and Medicare will become insolvent. What will you do then?

Steve Dunn



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