
Guest Columnists

Greed, profit motive make our world a much better place

Politicians bash businesses. “Stop the greed!” shouts Sen. Bernie Sanders. Many Republicans are equally ignorant. When some Florida businesses raised prices in response to sudden demand during a crisis, Attorney General Pam Bondi called that “sickening ... disgusting ... ...

Strategy can stabilize, strengthen Valley housing market

The housing complaints come with increasing frequency. They come from employers whose workers reside an hour away in places like Cranberry, Pa., and Solon. They come from company executives who live in places like Chagrin Falls and Hudson. That means the jobs we work so hard to create here ...

New tax would make employer-provided health plans unaffordable

Ohio's dismal 44th place in national health value demonstrates a harsh reality: We face higher medical expenses and poorer health outcomes compared to most other Americans. And things will get even worse if Congress adopts a new federal law to tax employer-sponsored health plans as if they are ...

Regional Chamber presents its goals for 2025

According to research conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Community Development team, the disconnect between where jobs are and where people live continues to grow. And, according to Fed research, our region’s slow post-Great Recession housing recovery means that some ...

Bill could create un-level field in turf industry

Aren’t sports meant to be played on natural turf? That’s what I thought when I first heard Mount Union College (now University) was trading in its natural grass for an artificial field in the summer of 2002. It wasn’t until after I investigated this new breed of synthetic turf that my ...

Shipbuilding essential to US

Thank you, Sen. Brown, for taking the helm on shipbuilding. I served five years in the U.S. Marine Corps, maintaining radar packages on the warplanes based aboard aircraft carriers. That experience left me with deep respect not only for my fellow service members in the Navy but for the ...