On the record: Kinsman
WHAT: Township trustees meetings Jan. 13 and Jan. 25
PRESENT: Jamin Banning. Greg Leonhard and Bruce Bancroft
• Named Banning as chairman and Leonhard as vice chairman.
• Placed a 2-mill, five-year renewal road levy on the May primary ballot that generates approximately $104,000. Fiscal Officer Marge Crupi said with a renewal there is no increase in taxes.
• Approved renewing the contract with the Kinsman Volunteer Fire Department at $1,570 per month, which includes use of the building and equipment.
• Approved Alexander Pest Control for mosquito spraying, increasing from $375 to $393 per spraying. Crupi said the Friends of Kinsman have previously helped pay for the service and additional sprays. The township also has received grants from the Trumbull County Combined Health District.
• Set meetings for 6 p.m. the second Monday of the month.
— Bob Coupland