
Play to see ‘The Other Side’

Local musical gets cast recording

Submitted photo From left, Sarah Robles, Brooke Jonas, Jenny Layfield and David Leach are shown in a scene from the 2023 production of “The Other Side” at Hopewell Theatre.

A locally written and produced musical is about to go from the theatrical side to the streaming side.

Adam Dominick, a 2022 Youngstown State University graduate who works in Howland, wrote the musical “The Other Side,” which Millennial Theatre Company premiered last summer at Hopewell Theatre in Youngstown.

Since that production, the performers have produced a cast recording of the musical that will be released Sunday on all major streaming services.

Like the stage production, the cast recording was a low-budget affair. Dominick used his office as a makeshift recording studio and borrowed a microphone from one of the actors.

“It was difficult, but we did it, and I’m really proud of it,” he said.

Dominick wrote the book, music and lyrics for “The Other Side” with orchestrations and voicings by Maxwell Franko, who Dominick met when both were students at YSU.

The cast recording serves multiple purposes.

“I think the idea always was, if we were able to create a dedicated studio-style recording, it would be something that could be streamed,” Dominick said. “It could be used to help further future productions of it, but it was also to expand the reach of the idea of the show, which is to do the things even if they are scary, and this is a very scary thing for me.”

“The Other Side” is set in the circus world, where Jason Day is billed as the “Bravest Boy in the World.” He reconnects with Ava, a childhood friend who is his polar opposite — sheltered and afraid of everything — and together they embark on an adventure to escape their oppressive guardians and discover what “the other side” of life is like.

Work on the instrumental recording started around Thanksgiving with Clay Colley of the band Black Wolf & the Thief on piano, Harrison Poor (the percussionist for the 2023 performances) on drums and Dominick playing guitar. Dominick managed the recording under the counsel of composer and mixing engineer Franko, who now lives in Austin, Texas.

The recording features original cast members Ben Bogen, Sydney Taylor, Jenny Layfield, Alexander Kluchar, David Leach, Frank Carsone, Madison Hall, Brooke Jonas, Z. Hunter, Sarah Robles and Dominick.

There were some tweaks and additional orchestrations by Franko that couldn’t be used for the live performance that can be heard now, but the recording was designed to capture the show as it was originally staged.

Hearing the songs detached from the on-stage visuals has been an illuminating experience for the composer.

“Some songs I realized had more weight in the live production, and there are some songs that, as a standalone song, that carry the same amount of weight, if not more weight,” Dominick said. “There are some songs in which we tried to recreate at least the audio environment of what was happening on stage. On one song a big action sequence takes place and there are sound effects added in with the voice actors throughout that action sequence. It sounds super cool.”

Right now Dominick only has plans for a streaming release, but he said he would love to do a CD or even a vinyl release if the demand is there.

Dominick can listen to the sound files whenever he wants, but he’s still looking forward to the experience of hearing them Sunday through one of the streaming services.

“It’s going to feel kind of surreal, listening to it on such a public platform and knowing I’m not the only one who can see it there,” he said. “It’s an exciting and scary feeling. At this point, it’s out of my hands … Now people of all demographics and all musical tastes will be able to hear it, so we’re going to have opinions. Opinions are very scary to an artist, but that’s what makes art so great.”

Have an interesting story? Contact Andy Gray by email at agray@tribtoday.com. Follow us on X, formerly Twitter, @TribToday.


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