
McDonough sculpts 88th juried student art and design show

The 88th Annual Juried Student Art & Design Exhibition opens Friday at the McDonough Museum of Art.

The juried show is a yearly tradition featuring works by students who have taken classes in the art department at Youngstown State University during the 2024-25 academic year.  Local businesses and individuals generously support this annual exhibition and its talented artists by contributing cash awards and gift certificates.

Award categories include ceramics, photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, digital media and graphic and interactive design.

The exhibition is an opportunity to witness the strength, breadth and diversity of YSU’s Department of Art. 

The juror for the exhibition is Sidney Mullis, a sculptor who lives and works in Pittsburgh. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including Germany, Japan, England, Croatia and the Netherlands. Solo shows include the Leslie Lohman Museum and Wick Gallery in New York City, Neon Heater Gallery in Findlay, Bunker Projects and Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, Rowan University in New Jersey and University of Mary Washington in Virginia.

She has been an artist-in-residence at The Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, The Wassaic Project, Women’s Studio Workshop, MASS MoCA, and the Ox-Bow School of Art. Her work has been featured in such publications as Hyperallergic, Two Coats of Paint, Young Space, Maake Magazine, DE: Formal and Sculpture Magazine.

The work will be on display through April 4 at the McDonough, 525 Wick Ave., Youngstown. An opening reception is planned from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday with the awards announced at 5:45 p.m. Admission is free.

Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, go to ysu.edu/mcdonough-

museum or call 330-941-1371.


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